Obedience training is a method of teaching a dog to respond to commands and learn boundaries. The goal is to help dogs build a stronger bond with their owners and to teach them appropriate social behavior.
Almost all behavior training plans will include some level of obedience training depending on the dogs current obedience training and the type of problem behaviors. Two very specific benefits of obedience training when dealing with reactivity, fear, aggression or anxiety are that the dog stays more connected with the owner and that the dog develops alternate behaviors to replace the unwanted behaviors that they are exhibiting.
Obedience training is combined with other types of training such as behavior modification and behavioral training; building desirable behavior as well as a more confident dog. Often obedience training will be combined with clicker training when using a marker based approach.
Obedience training is helpful in preventing the following behavior problems:
Lunging on leash
There are many additional benefits to obedience training:
Provides mental stimulation, training on a daily basis is suggested to help keep a dog mentally stimulated
Connection with the owner/handler
Reduction in stress and anxiety
Increased socialization
Increased activities due to proper behavior
For more information or to request a Behavioral Assessment and Consultation contact us below or call (805) 978 6945.
We provide your Behavioral Assessment and Consultation free of charge. At the consultation we will discuss in detail with you what problem behaviors are occurring, what you would like to see happen for you and your dog as a result of training and will perform a Behavioral Assessment of your dog. This will allow us to evaluate your needs, the current behavior of the dog, what you would like to see from the training and other variables in order to develop a Behavioral Training Plan specific to your dog and situation.